Monday, September 10, 2012

Keep Calm and Sew On!

SO.... I have been impatiently waiting for Blake to arrive. I have wanted to start a new sewing project for a while now (ever since I finished the other 2 quilts). I didn't want to start something because I just knew as soon as I made a big mess by getting out all the fabric and laying it out, and got started he would make his appearance.

Well on Saturday, I could not just sit around. Reading wasn't a distraction. Cleaning wasn't a distraction. Pinteresting quilt ideas was not a distraction. So instead I decided, What the Heck... I'm going for it. I went to my pinterest board and looked for ideas that would be relatively easy to make. Here is my inspiration from the Moda Bake Shop.

I decided to use the Sew Stitchy fabric line from Moda.
So instead of making a mess at my house... I decided to bring everything over to my mom's house to work Her sewing area is much bigger than mine and it has nice windows to look out. (and if I went into labor... the mess would be at her house... Sorry Mom! :) )

I made the quilt as the pattern said up until the end. I do not like short, "squareish" quilts. They need to be functional. I like a quilt that I can put my entire body under and curl up. I added an extra row of squares to the top and bottom of the quilt to add 10 inches. Here is the finished quilt top!

I can not wait to drop it off at the quilter's and see what amazing things she can do with it. 

Deborah Lane Quilting is Awesome! 

Here is a link of the quilts that she has quilted for me.

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