Monday, September 24, 2012

The New Love of My Life

Ok... So I'm in LOVE!

It is absolutely amazing how much you can love something so quickly! I knew that I loved him while he was still in my belly, but now that he is out... WOW!

My labor was not that bad.

Contractions started at 4:30 AM. At around 12:00 Clint and I decided to go to the hospital. Once we got there they started to monitor my progress. My contractions were coupling at 3 mins, then 1 min.... then 3 mins then 1 min. I was not making much progress so they had us walk up and down the hallway... Over and over again. Well-- They could only keep us in Triage for 4 hours. When that mark came, I had only changed by 1 cm... Not enough to be admitted. So we called our parents to tell them that we were coming home. As we were leaving, we got about 20 yards from the parking garage and my water broke. Clint asked me if I was sure... when I stated to walk away a gush came down and I was VERY sure that it was my water breaking. We made it up to Labor and Delivery and the nurses said that they could tell that my labor had progressed because I was walking very differently. By the time I was admitted the Wonderful Drug Mad came in to give me the epidural. From my water breaking to the epidural was 30 minutes (not to shabby). When the checked me again, I was 5 cm. Then an hour later, I was 10 cm. Then 30 mins later they told me that they were going to get the room ready for labor. Clint's mom arrived just in time to walk back and say hi before everyone was kicked out of the room so that I could start pushing. 30 mins of pushing, less than 4 hours after my water broke, Blake Patrick Lowe was born at 8:21 PM. It was the most amazing thing to experience.

The 2 weeks since have been the best 2 weeks ever! Here are some of my favorite memories!

1. Holding him in my arms after he came out.
2. Watching Clint be so protective of him in the hospital after he was born. He wanted to be there for every little thing. He followed him to the nursery when he went and was constantly watching the clock until Blake was back in our room again.
3. Introducing my son to his grandparents!
4. Just Holding Him!
5. The feeling of success when we were finally able to have a successful breastfeeding session after 2 days of trying.
6. Clint watching, ready to swoop in as friends held him in the hospital.
7. Going home.
8. Clint making his brothers sit down before they could hold him.
9. Watching my sisters hold him for the first time. ( and Laura becoming an Aunt for the first time!)
10. Sharing him with family and friends.
11. Just hanging out, watching TV with Blake and Clint.
12. His first bath.
.... And I could go on and on but I wont. Here are about a million pictures of Blake.. I couldn't narrow it down! :)

3 hours old

Nana and Blake

Papa and Blake

Grandpa and Blake

Cousins Carter and Ryleigh

Aunt Laura and Aunt Shrlby

1 hour old

Very Proud Daddy

Super Happy Mommy

Great Grandma Slattery

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